Obres de Ch. William Morris
De Wikisofia
Six Theories of Mind, University of Chicago Press, Chicago 1932.
Pragmatism and the Crisis of Democracy, University of Chicago Press, Chicago 1934.
Foundations of the Theory of Signs, University of Chicago Press, Chicago 1938.
Signs, Language, and Behavior, Prentice Hall, Nova York 1946.
The Open Self, Prentice Hall, Nova York 1948.
Writings on the General Theory of Signs, Mouton, La Haya 1971.
Traduccions al castellà:
Signos, lenguaje y conducta, Losada, Buenos Aires 1962.
Fundamentos de la teoría de los signos en Bar-Hillel y otros, Presentación del lenguaje, Taurus, 1972 / Barcelona, Paidós 1994.