Obres d'H. M. McLuhan
De Wikisofia
La revisió el 22:50, 19 gen 2017 per Jorcor (discussió | contribucions) (Text de reemplaçament - "Traducciones al castellano" a "Traduccions al castellà")
Obras principales:
The Mechanical Bride: Folklore of Industrial Man, Vanguard Press, Nueva York 1951.
The Gutenberg Galaxy: The Making of Typografic Man, Routledge-University of Toronto Press, Londres-Toronto 1962.
Understanding Media: The Extensions of Man, Routledge-McGraw Hill, Londres-Nueva York 1964.
The Medium is the Massage: An Inventory of Effects, Allen Lane-Bantam, Londres-Nueva York 1967.
- y Quentin Fiore, War and Peace in the Global Village: An Inventory of Some of the Current Spastic Situations That Could be Eliminated by More Feedforeward, McGraw Hill, Nueva York 1968.
- Eric McLuhan y Kathy Hutchon, The City as Classroom: Understanding Language and Media, Book Society of Canada, Agincourt, Ontario 1977.
Traduccions al castellà:
La galaxia Gutenberg, Aguilar, Madrid 1969.
La comprensión de los medios como las extensiones del hombre, Diana, México 1969.
Contraexplosión, Paidós, Buenos Aires 1971.
Guerra y paz en la aldea global, Martínez Roca, Barcelona 1971.